About Us

KorraBells Playhouse Daycare provides educational child care in a safe and stimulating environment. Our goal is to create meaningful learning experiences for children through play.

Our core principles begin with the simple truth that each child has a unique and individual nature, worthy of respect, nurturing and celebration. We believe that children are natural learners who gain knowledge through directed play. That is why we always plan active and engaging experiences that children enjoy doing.


Current Openings
Now enrolling for Summer Camp 2018
We have openings for children with 
On My Way to Pre-K Vouchers
We also accept CCDF Vouchers

Located near
Edgewood Primary and Intermediate School  Bus 15
and Seven Oaks Classical School

$25.00 Non Refundable Enrollment fee per family
Two-week deposit Nonrefundable but applied to the first week

812-300-0082 or 812-219-3947
Hurry Fast! We are enrolling infants, we only have three spots left!
Rates are $165.00 per week full time includes wipes and diapers.
Three days a week only $115.00

2018-2019 Rates
Full time -Monday thru Friday
 18 months to 3 years  FT  $158.00   $105.00 three days a week
We provide the breakfast, lunch and two snacks 

Ages   3 to 6 years full time $138.00 potty trained, three days a week $93.00 potty trained
Breakfast, lunch and two snacks, parents are encouraged to bring in snacks.
Ages 3 to 6
Year around Pre-School  9am to 330 pm $93.00  (ages 3,4, and 5-year-olds fully potty trained)
Morning care  7am to 10am M-F  $30.00 includes snack and breakfast only on snow delays till 10 am
Afternoon care 3 pm to 530 pm $30.00 includes a snack
 $6.00 per session per day. $55.00 for a week for both
Summer Camp is paid on a monthly payment plan only. 9 to 11 weeks of summer paid in three payments, unless on CCDF vouchers.
Approximately $50.00 Field Trip Fees for all activities
Children entering first grade and  up to  12 years old summer camp
730 am  to 530 pm  $120.00 
Half days 730am  to 1230pm  is $60.00  9 am to 330 pm and three days a week $75.00 or three full days a week

Sorry no all day care is offered to school age children if the school has been cancelled, rates cover school delays till 10 am

FYI 1230 pm to 3 pm is nap so we want to limit drop  off or pick up, please
10% weekly discounts for siblings
Hours of operation
6;30 am to 5:30 pm
